Forgotten your user name or password?

Forgot your password?

Please enter the e-mail address you used when you registered with HRS. If it matches one in our database, we will send further information to that e-mail address.

Security Code

Code illegible? Generate a new code!

If you also use your access data for or the HRS app, please remember to update your password there as well.

New here? Register now!

Forgot your password?

Please enter the e-mail address you used when you registered with HRS. If it matches one in our database, we will send further information to that e-mail address.

Security Code

Code illegible? Generate a new code!

If you also use your access data for or the HRS app, please remember to update your password there as well.

Register now for easier booking in the future

Name *


Enter between 4 and 90 letters and/or numbers. Please do not use blanks, special characters or umlauts!


Please enter at least 6 letters or digits. Please do not use spaces or special characters.

Security Code

Code illegible?  Generate a new code!

By registering, you agree to the terms & conditions and the privacy policy of HRS.

My HRS - Finalizing Registration

We have just sent a message to the following e-mail address:

This message contains a confirmation link. As soon as you click on this link, you can access your HRS booking portal.

Thank you for registration in HRS.
Prior to your first access, your account needs to be authorized.
Please contact your travel management for approval.